
Showing posts from December, 2023

Kashmir (IIOJK) Resistance and the Need of the hour…. Strategizing The Movement..!

  KashmirFight:  Kashmir (IIOJK) Resistance and the Need of an hour…. Strategizing The Movement..! “Until the lions write their own history, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.” IIOJK Resistance Struggle neither was for safeguarding Article 370 not it is for striving for the Restoration of Article 370. This Resistance Movement is for the complete freedom from the Illegal Occupation of Indian Regime and for that some measures are to be taken to safeguard this Resistance Movement and to take this struggle to its logical goal. Since Indian regime has forcefully and deceitfully occupied the State of J&K militarily by deploying its mercenary army in huge numbers and also now politically trying to manipulate the ground environment by deploying its puppets both politically as well as administratively. So it is important to carry our Resistance Struggle on both fronts i.e, militarily as well as politically. The irony is that we have never ever streamlined our R...


AKHAND BHARAT RSS/HINDUTVA DREAM THE IDEA AKHAND BHARAT The idea of Akhand Bharat was originated by the master of the Arthashastra, Chanakya. At the time, the 3rd century BC, the Indian subcontinent–which covered what are now the modern-day nations of Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Burma, Tibet, Bhutan and Bangladesh–was divided into many independent kingdoms. Chanakya articulated the idea of an Akhand Bharat, which means all states in the region being under one authority, rule and administration. To a great extent, he was successful. CURRENT CALLS OF AKHAND BHARAT & SANGH PARIVAR The call for creation of the Akhand Bharat or Akhand Hindusthan has on occasions been raised by Indian Hindutvawadi cultural and political organizations such as the Hindu Mahasabha, Kakbhusundi Revolutionary Forum(KRF), Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The name of one organization sharing this goal, the Akhand Hindu...

Message To The Armed Resistance Fighters (On/In Ground)… Create History Rather Becoming History!


Kashmir Indigenous Struggle And Strategies To Be Implemented/Executed On Ground..


Measures To Be Taken & Measures To Be Implemented!


Black Sheep's in Robes;


JK After Abrogation Of Special Status And Steps To Be Taken!
